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Arts and Sciences

School of Media & Strategic Communications

Undergraduate Studies
From internships to creating your own TV show to running a newspaper, when you graduate with a degree from the School of Media & Strategic Communications (SMSC), you’ll be ready to conquer the professional world. With the top graduation retention rates in all of the College of Arts and Sciences, SMSC partners with students to reach their optimal potential.

Our Undergraduate Programs

Male student working on a computer

Multimedia Journalism, B.A., B.S.

Earn a B.A. or B.S. in multimedia journalism which focuses on training you to become an effective storyteller. Write for the O'Colly newspaper or produce segments for OStateTV or Pete's Corner

Multimedia Journalism
Male student running the control board in the control room

Sports Media, B.A., B.S.

Earn a B.A. or B.S. in sports media and work in the complex, constantly changing world of media and communications. The sports media program gives the knowledge and skills to excel in the field.

Sports Media
Female student in a weather room

Strategic Communications, B.A., B.S.

Earn a B.A. or B.S. in strategic communications which blends an integrated cross-platform curriculum to teach you how to tell great stories. You'll learn how to work with the media to write, record and publish effectively.

Strategic Communications Advertising and Public Relations Option eSports Certificate Social Media Option

4+1 Program

The School of Media and Strategic Communications offers an accelerated master's degree program in mass communications to outstanding undergraduate students. The program provides a format for students to complete their bachelor's and master's degree in five years. Oklahoma State University undergraduate students who have completed a total of 90 hours of undergraduate coursework in a major in the School of Media and Strategic Communications may apply to the School for the Accelerated Master's Degree program.

Start my application

Opportunities for Our Students

Media House Living Learning Program

The Media House Living Learning Program fosters an engaging environment of learning and success among students majoring in multimedia journalism, sports media and strategic communications. It will prepare you for a career as a media professional.

Media House

National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC)

The NSAC is the premier college advertising competition that provides more than 2,000 college students the real-world experience of creating a strategic advertising/marketing/media campaign for a corporate client. For more details contact Dr. Asya Cooley.

OSU's NSAC Team Information

O'Colly Media Group

Multimedia journalism allows you to gain hands-on experience by writing for the O'Colly Newspaper.

The O'Colly O'CollyTV Pete’s Corner The Poke Report

Scholarships and Internships

We are lucky enough to have donors like Paul Miller and Peggy Layman Welch donate money to help support students.

Scholarships and Internships